Healthy BODi Through the Holidays

The temptation is REAL this time of year!!

First there’s Halloween. Then there is Thanksgiving. Then we’ve got a couple December holidays. Of course throw in multiple birthdays. Family gatherings. Social events with friends. You know what?? I’ll just wait until the New Year!!!

STOP!!! How many times have you caught yourself saying that??

The season. The time of year. Your current circumstances. They SHOULD NOT determine whether or not you are taking care of your body. This is a LIFESTYLE. Of course there are going to be times of ups and downs. It’s not about perfection. I know no matter what season I am in, I will do MY BEST to take care of myself!! That might look completely different to anyone else!!

To help us with this during the Holiday Season, I’m excited to introduce you to….


This will be a three week focus block of time (followed by a week of intentional recovery) individualized to meet your needs and goals through the holidays. There will be multiple workout paths (PUSH, BURN, FLEX, ADVANCED) for all fitness levels. There will be three different nutrition paths to choose from (MACROS/BALANCE, MINDSET, GUT HEALTH). We can talk about your goals and what your focus is through the holidays and MEET YOU WHERE YOU ARE! A private online wellness community will be provided as well as a smaller group chat for more individualized attention and accountability. We will focus on MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT through nutrition, fitness, and personal/spiritual development.

We will have these three week blocks, so you don’t feel overwhelmed and can truly feel GOOD as you focus on your health during the holidays. Less/no stress this year. No feeling gross from overindulging. No, we will not be perfect. Yes, we will enjoy and have fun this time of year. But we will focus on finding BALANCE. So when we hit 2023, we will be ready to keep the momentum going!!


November 7th

December 5th

You of course can do both! That’s what I’ll be doing! And I’m excited for the women who will be joining me!! This journey TOGETHER is a blessing!!

Interested in joining? Fill out the form below!


Make Your Health a SURE THING


Shrimp Kung Pao Noodles