Own Your Passion

MLM. Network marketing. Direct sales. It’s all a pyramid scheme.

I hear this ALL.THE.TIME.

Maybe you have had an experience that was not so great. I’ve been there, too. But one bad experience doesn’t make them all bad.

In short multi-level marketing gives an individual the opportunity to partner with a company they feel passionate about. It gives someone the ability to serve others through products and services. When there is an emphasis on SERVING, it is an incredible business opportunity.

I’ll speak from my own personal experience. It took me, a brand new mom of two, back to a better place mentally and physically through nutrition, fitness, and community. It helped me create a healthier lifestyle I was then able to share with others. The mission I have always been on is about loving myself and bettering my health and helping other women do the same.

Yes, your health is an investment. There are products and services I provide to help women. Yes, I personally use them and know what a difference they have made in my own life. And, no, I will not not share them with others!!

So, no, it’s NOT a pyramid scheme. Network marketing has evolved so much through the years. It has provided me with the ability to start a business WHILE teaching full time and raising my kids. It has also given me the option to run my business full-time to be more PRESENT with my family.

And when I link arms with other women, a BIGGER IMPACT is made. I cannot change lives all by myself. Doing it with others is so much better!!

So CHEERS to the women living their passion and finding their purpose!! Keep doing your thing!! And if you haven’t found your thing, I’d love to chat!


Get Ready for JOB 1


Nutrition Bootcamp + Reboot