Can You Do What I Do?


CAN I DO WHAT YOU DO AS A COACH? People ask me this all the time.

I’ve been reflecting a lot on this with the new year and me coming up on 8 YEARS as a coach!!

The thing see me now, as a full-time coach. What you may not know is that I started when Ashlyn was 9 months old and Jordan had just turned 3. I was just back full-time in the classroom teaching 4th grade after my maternity leave. Life was crazy. But I NEEDED to take care of my health and well-being. And because I had finally started to again, I was a better wife and mom because of it.

So how did I create this success? There’s really no secret. It’s quite simple...

1. I’m not afraid to work hard. I get to choose my own hours (and when I was teaching I found “power pockets” of time to make it work). I absolutely LOVE serving others. But make no mistake - I put in the HARD work.

2. I work on my MINDSET. I take time every single day to focus on personal and spiritual growth. Without the right mindset, I would NEVER have the business I have today.

3. I’m not afraid to do something unconventional. Something different than the norm. I’m not afraid to say I’m a network marketer or I’m in a multilevel marketing business. I open my eyes to opportunity and potential and put those preconceived notions to the side.

4. I’m intentional with the people I work with and surround myself with. I make sure I surround myself with people who lift me up and make me better. I work hard not to compare. I put my blinders up. I cheer people on and see their success as motivation and inspiration.

5. I’m not afraid to FAIL. I’m not afraid to FAIL over and over again!! I learn from my mistakes. I’m willing to make changes. I’m intentional with looking for ways to improve and tweak my actions. I look at failure as growth and a learning experience.

6. I BELIEVE wholeheartedly in what I do as a coach and what we offer. I’ve seen my own life and hundreds of other women’s lives and families changed because of the wellness products and tools we have available and the support, love, and encouragement we give. An investment in your health is SO rewarding and necessary and I see it over and over again. I’m not afraid to shout from the rooftops how important it is to live a healthy life and invite others to join me! I have passion, I care, and I DON’T give up on people. I know that I do not have to be perfect to make an impact in my own life and the lives around me.

7. I pray. I pray to God every single day I am using my gifts to fulfill the purpose He has for me. I trust in His plan and His hands in all of this. I trust in His strength where I am weak. I surrender it all to Him.

That’s my (not so secret) secret!! Doing these things day after day, week after week, month after month. Consistency is my superpower!! It has rewarded me and fulfilled me over and over again!! And it has helped me THRIVE in all areas of my life and my family’s life!

Do I think anyone can do this?! Heck YES!! Do I think everyone WILL do this? Absolutely not! Because people will focus too much on the what if I fail instead of the what if I SOAR! They focus on the opinions of others rather than the people who are impacted and matter most.

I’m excited for 2021 and what this year will bring for Team Fit & Focused! We will be reaching our greatest POTENTIAL and having our biggest IMPACT yet!! The question is, will YOU be part of it???


You First February


Take Control in 2021