Don’t Let the Scale Define You

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Fun fact...these pants are about 8 years old. I know this because I wore them for Ashy’s first birthday party and she’s about to turn 9 this month!!

I remember them so well because I STRUGGLED to lose the “baby weight” after I had her. But by the time she was turning one, I lost all my weight and was starting to feel confident and good in my own skin again. But I was still chasing numbers on the scale and sizes in my clothes.

I put these pants on today and felt SO GOOD...they probably fit me better now than 8 years ago. But guess what....I WEIGH MORE now than I did back then!! I stopped chasing numbers. I started focusing on my overall health and well-being, energy, and fueling my body right. I’m a whole hell of a lot stronger now with the strength and muscle I have gained. And I have found so much more joy in this journey of taking care of and loving myself!!

Are you ready to STOP chasing numbers and start focusing on finding the joy and loving yourself? Are you ready to finally make a healthy lifestyle and stop looking for quick fixes? It would be an honor to support you and be your biggest cheerleader!! I’ve been there! I get it! Let’s work towards loving ourselves together!!


Let’s Get Up & Grind


Spring Into Self Love Health Bet