Spring Into Self Love Health Bet

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Are you ready for it? I am now enrolling for my April Focused online wellness community, Project Love Yourself. It is a community where women feel safe, loved, welcome, and comfortable to share their health and wellness journey. Yes, there will be a focus on loving your journey, yourself, and the skin you are in with nutrition, fitness, self-care, and personal/spiritual development. But, we will also be having a Spring Into Self Love HEALTH BET!!!! This will give you a little extra skin in the game for accountability!

What is a Health Bet?

Have you heard of those “diet” bets or “health” bets?!? They are super effective because people put in some CASH as an extra incentive to reach their goals. They add SKIN TO THE GAME! Well we are going to do something SIMILAR…although our focus will NOT be solely on losing weight and inches (a great side effect but not the focus). We are going to focus on loving ourselves, making a commitment to ourselves, honoring that commitment, investing in ourselves, and overcoming obstacles. And we get to do it TOGETHER!! Connecting with other babes in Project Love Yourself and having that community makes all the difference! Here’s what you need to do to join:

1 - Commit to a program - ANY fitness program on our “Netflix of Fitness” and/or nutrition program. There are hundreds of programs to choose from for ALL fitness levels!! The Spring Into Self Love Health Bet will run in the month of April. We can work together to find the program that best meets your needs!

2 - You will commit to investing in your health with a daily superfoods health shake and/or a pre- and post- workout drink to maximize your nutrition and results.

3 - You will take a before and after picture to share after the month of April with a description of your journey…how you loved yourself with nutrition, fitness, self-care, and personal/spiritual development, how you made yourself a priority, what results you got, the obstacles you overcame throughout the month, how you feel, and why you are proud of yourself and grateful for the journey.

4 - Provide $20 in our Spring Into Self Love Health Bet. All the babes in our group participating will get to vote on their favorite top three stories/transformations from this challenge! Remember this is not just a focus on numbers but about the journey to loving ourselves more!! The top three winners will get their piece of the pot of money!!! The last winners earned —> 1st $300 - 2nd - $200 & 3rd $120

Are you in??? Let’s make April our month to renew, refresh, and restore our health and wellness journey!! LOVE yourself! COMMIT to yourself!! INVEST in yourself!! EMBRACE this challenge, and you could just be going home with some extra cash!!

Interested in joining? Fill out the form below!


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