My 4 Weeks to a Healthy Gut Journey
I truly thought I had no gut issues. But I was willing to try to see how this nutrition program could positively impact how I felt, my well-being, and overall quality of life. Taking care of my whole health and the body God has blessed me with…mind, body, and spirit…is always the #1 focus for me!!
For one week I have not had any artificial sweeteners, corn, alcohol, highly processed soy, gluten, or dairy. I have had less caffeine and I have stuck to 10 grams or less of added sugars.
But let me tell you…I have EATEN!! This is by no means any type of deprivation or calorie restriction. I’m eating and I’m eating a lot. I’m eating with far more intention and purpose. It has come down to my choices. I’ve aimed for 30 or more plants throughout the week. I’m trying new foods and adding in gut friendly fermented foods to help give my body a dose of healthy probiotics.
I’m loving all the food I get to eat on this plan and how it’s encouraging me to try new things. Jordan and I made gluten free bread yesterday and I tried a new chicken recipe with a creamy cauliflower sauce. So good!! I even stayed on track with a girls’ night out over the weekend!!
I’m shocked with the results I am seeing and feeling after just one week!!!
*Less bloat and a flatter stomach
*More energy and better sleep
*Eczema on my elbows gone
*Crazy focus, clarity, and calm
*Down 6.5 lbs (yes, I was still retaining water from my trip)
I really wasn’t expecting to see or feel that much of a difference. But now I’m even more excited to continue this journey!!! The group of women I’m doing it with have truly been amazing and such a great support system to not do this alone!!!
Officially 14 days complete. I’m continuing to be blown away with how good I’m feeling. I thought I was eating pretty well before, but it’s amazing to see how some little tweaks can make such a big difference!!
My mind is so focused and it’s even more clear than ever what this journey is all about….HEALTH. Making choices that I know will BLESS my body to feel its best and HONOR God through those choices. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing the past 14 days.
I’m realizing during this second week just how much I don’t need the foods I have eliminated. I am realizing how I am feeling is so much more important!! I’m already thinking ahead to day 29 and coming up with a plan. A plan that won’t be changing much from what I’m doing now.
I’m continuing to enjoy ALL THE FOOD and getting my family involved. It’s amazing how much we ALL benefit when I’m making better choices with my nutrition. We eat better. We eat out less. We save money. Wins all around!! There’s always an adjustment period and learning curve that comes with a new program! This week brought a new level of confidence and comfort when it came to planning out my meals.
I’m continuing to feel better and better with each day and the progress/results have been the BEST…
*Feeling so lean and strong
*Bloat nowhere to be found
*Clothes are loose
*Sleeping more soundly and energy all day
*Zero sugar cravings
*Focused mindset
*Loving myself and this journey more and more!
*Down 9 lbs
Nutrition has been a struggle for me in the past. I have craved and eaten all the sugar. Binged on all the food. Thought I had to restrict and deprive myself to reach my goals. Strict all week then off the rails all weekend long. Thought I needed to workout for hours for eating “bad.” Seriously…all the struggles!!!
It may have taken a lot of work from the inside out, but I have developed such a health relationship with food. I have created a healthy relationship with my body and have a real appreciation for it. I truly have a clear mindset when it comes to this journey and why I’m making myself a priority with nutrition, movement, and spiritual/personal development.
I believe every woman should experience what I am experiencing. I believe every woman is worth the investment. I believe every woman is more than capable to start and continue a healthy lifestyle. My new group of women start after Easter!! You need this in your life!
21 days have passed. This week…I DID NOT LOSE ONE SINGLE OUNCE (or gain)!!
Yet I feel so ALIVE, ENERGIZED, and more CONFIDENT than ever on this health journey!
I had multiple birthday celebrations for my girl, multiple Easter celebrations, ate out twice, and hosted Easter dinner. I enjoyed every second of it and completely stayed on track!!
I know it can be VERY EASY to get caught up in that number on the scale. You get caught up in a certain number. You get caught up in not losing a certain amount. You compare your weight to someone else. Or your weight loss to someone else.
I’m here to remind you…this is YOUR journey and YOUR body! God made you uniquely beautiful and different from everyone else. You can not measure YOUR health and wellness journey by comparing it to someone else’s!
The food I have been eating is amazing. This is completely sustainable. The women I am linked arms with are incredible. The community surrounding this nutrition program has been absolutely everything. I’m so proud of how open, real, and supportive we have been on this journey!
The progress and results continue…
*So strong and more toned
*Not tempted by food and enjoying my meals
*Natural energy is real all day long
*Haven’t measured yet but I’ve definitely lost inches
*My skin is more clear and bright
*Loving my food and not wanting to go back
*Down 9 lbs (stayed the same this week)
I haven’t been this excited about a nutrition program in a long time. It is truly transforming me from the inside out and I’m watching it do the same for so many other women!!
I have a new crew of women starting today! More in a week and the following! I know it’s tempting to put your health on hold because life is BUSY! This week was crazy yet this program helped me stay focused on taking care of myself through it all!! I’d love for you to feel how I’m feeling!! I thought I felt good before this. But I know I deserve to feel better than just “good!” I’m feeling fantastic and don’t want this to ever go away!!
Well that’s a wrap on one round of this gut health nutrition program and I could not be MORE HAPPY with the decision I made to complete this program!!
I almost didn’t do it. I didn’t think I had serious enough “gut issues” for it to be worth it and have any benefits. I knew it would be totally out of my comfort zone and I wasn’t sure I really wanted to get uncomfortable.
This was by far one of the best programs I have committed to and reminds me yet again why NUTRITION IS KEY!! Your gut truly is like a second brain and impacts so much…digestion, mood, sleep, energy, focus, immunity, etc. Literally everything!!!
It was another crazy busy weekend and this program was completely doable to stay on track during the chaos!! I spent hours at the baseball field, an overnight stay downtown, and a dinner out!! Thoroughly enjoyed all of it without indulging and getting off track!!
I know sometimes we are just looking for that perfect window of opportunity where nothing is going on in our lives to decide to start a wellness program or step into a healthy lifestyle. If your life is anything like mine, that time does not exist But I’m here to remind you…you do not need to put your life on hold. You can LIVE YOUR LIFE all while taking care of your health. Yes, a little more intention and preplanning, but YOU CAN DO IT!!
And you might just totally surprise yourself with incredible results…I know I am thrilled with the results and progress I have had over the past 4 weeks!!!
*Feeling so strong
*No crazy sugar cravings (sugar addiction is real my friends)
*Energy has been through the roof
*Lost 8 inches (2 in my waist and 2 in my hips)
*Brighter skin
*My clothes are loose!!
*No bloat and puffiness
*Mental strength and clarity
*Loving myself and my confidence in keeping promises to me
*Down 11 lbs
I have absolutely loved being on this journey with so many incredible women doing this program with me!! It truly has made all the difference in the world and is one of the biggest blessings of being a coach!!
This aren’t just my “after” pictures. This is once again my “IN IT” pictures. This LIFESTYLE never ends…ups and downs yes…but it’s ongoing. And I’m not stopping here with this one!! I feel way too good to stop here and I know I’m doing such an amazing job taking care of this body God gave me.
Want to learn more and join me?? Click here!!