New Coach Mentorship

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Are you willing to put in the behind-the-scenes work to live the life of your dreams??

So many people can sit there and look at someone else’s life and “wish” they had that life. Or they might think that somehow it’s been easier for them. Or it’s not possible for them.

Everyone has struggles. Everyone has obstacles. It’s what you do with them that matters.

Will you let them get in your way and stop you? Or will you grow through them and end up stronger on the other side?

Will you let someone else’s success fill you with comparison and jealousy? Or will it fuel your fire to see your own success?

Will you focus on the negatives and get in your own way? Or will you focus on bringing out the positive in every situation?

I built a business centered around health and wellness while working full time as an elementary school teacher with a husband and two babies at home. I had not one business bone in my body. I didn’t have the time. I didn’t have the experience. I didn’t have all the skills and training. I didn’t have an entrepreneur mindset. I didn’t want to be a salesperson. I wasn’t a social media guru...

If I focused on all of these struggles and obstacles...I would have FAILED or not started in the first place. Which I see so many women do!!

BUT...I did have an open mind and the willingness to learn. I did have new found love for a body after two c-sections. I did have the desire and hope to help just one other woman feel like I did. I did decide to make the time. I did decide to work on changing my mindset. I did have a supportive husband and two amazing babies I was willing to work for.

When my eyes were opened to the amazing potential this coaching business had for my family and me, I was willing to put in the behind-the-scenes WORK! The work on myself physically, mentally, and spiritually and the work it took to grow my business and help my team do the same.

Right now I have some spots open for my New Coach Mentorship. We work on ourselves FIRST. Then we will work on helping others. This mentorship is for women willing to put in that behind-the-scenes work. Willing to make an impact on their own life and the lives around them. Willing to create a life they love and dream of! I’ll teach you all the rest! Spots are filling up! Get yours now!


New Program Alert: 10 Rounds!


Cheesy Cauliflower Nachos