There’s No Such Thing as Luck


I have to catch myself sometimes. Sometimes I feel so lucky for the life we have. Then I take that back. God has certainly BLESSED our lives. But there has been no luck involved!!

I think back on this past year and I’m so grateful for our health. Something I have made a priority and work hard to take care of. I’m so grateful for the career I have. I’m grateful for working from home and working around the craziness of the kids being in and out of school. But I worked hard to be in the position to leave teaching in the classroom. I know God’s hand in encouraging me to work hard was in all of this.

I think back to starting coaching. I loved being a teacher. Health and wellness coaching was purely something to do as a hobby on the side. But I quickly saw the VISION and FUTURE if and when I was putting in the work! I also quickly decided I was willing to put in the work on MYSELF and in my business to bring that vision to life. My family was worth it. I was worth it!! And here we are with so much flexibility and freedom I never dreamed was possible!!

I honestly hear women complain about their current situations ALL THE TIME...but there’s good news...

YOU.CAN.CHANGE.IT. You are wildly capable of success and change!!

It’s not luck. It’s good old fashion hard work!! But YOU have to be willing to change and do it!!

I’m sharing this because I was the girl who wanted to be a teacher since she was in 1st grade. I thought that was my path for the rest of my working life. I am the girl who didn’t believe this freedom was available for me. But I’m also the girl who WENT FOR IT! God tugged at my heart. If I can do it, so can you!!

If you aren’t afraid to work for something that will change your life, I’d love to chat. I’m looking for the ambitious woman who knows she is ready for a change. I’m looking for the driven woman who knows there is no such thing as luck. I’m looking for the open minded woman who is willing to give an amazing opportunity a try. I absolutely LOVE helping women reach their full potential and see the bigger picture!!

I’m looking to mentor five new women to join my team. I’d love to help you find YOUR success with this business centered around health and wellness

***Team Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income. Each coach’s income depends on their effort, skill, and diligence.


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